In 1977 SALOSPIR® was introduced into the market. SALOSPIR® was the first acetylsalicylic acid product to be introduced in Europe in the form of enteric-coated tablets available in dosage forms ranging from 80-1000 mg. The sales of SALOSPIR® now (2012 data) exceed 200,000,000 tablets annually.
In 1992, Uni-Pharma became the first company in the world to introduce an injectable paracetamol preparation, the well-known APOTEL®, having developed a method to dissolve paracetamol. Uni-Pharma was thus able to gain appreciation and support from the medical world, which in return encouraged us to continue our research and development in pharmaceutical technology.
Uni-Pharma's product T4®, for the treatment of thyroid gland diseases is a specialized product available in 13 different concentrations, providing individualized dosage schemes. Furthermore, Uni-Pharma is a pionner company in Greece, specializing in the manufacture of effervescent forms of acetylsalicylic acid, acetylsalicylic acid-vitamin C combination, paracetamol and paracetamol - vitamin C combination in aluminium foil packaging. However, over and above the research in the area of pharmaceutical manufacturing, the company's scientific team was also involved in the development of new production methods for raw materials such as acyclovir, ciprofloxacin and famotidine for which Uni-Pharma was awarded with Greek patents.
In 1998, Uni-Pharma was awarded with a E.U. patent for injectable solutions of paracetamol and paracetamol combinations with other active substances. Since its establishment 52 years ago, Uni-Pharma has built a reputation of a company that manufactures safe, effective and valuable products. This was achieved through the high quality of its products and through its strong presence with the Greek medical and pharmaceutical societies. Looking towards the future, Uni-Pharma continues to be devoted to these values, and reconfirms its commitment to research, development and technological advancements. Further, it endeavors to increase its business expectations by pursuing a strategy of international alliances and cooperations so as to maximize its development potential and bring to the Greek market the benefits of its research efforts.
Uni-Pharma is constantly seeking breakthroughs that will change the face of medicine. We strive for ways to provide health care with innovative solutions, setting goals to serve medical science, for the prevention and treatment of disease ensuring a high quality of life.
Our vision at Uni-Pharma is to be leaders in the constantly changing pharmaceutical environment, by providing high quality products for the benefit of our customers.
We are committed to attracting, developing and training the most qualified people in the pharmaceutical industry.
Together we aspire to be proactive and to maintain a creative environment, which will contribute to the success and growth of the company.
By investing wisely and by recognizing the mutual interests with our business partners, we strive to achieve long-term growth and provide sound economic returns to our shareholders.
We will continue to look for partnerships with pharmaceutical industries as well as with Academic Institutions, in order to strengthen our presence in new therapeutic areas and enter in high growth markets.